As Our Memories Of The Autumnal Season Passes

Of Days, Warm & Golden

Trees Flashing Brilliantly

Hues Of Red And Yellow

Each Edged With Traces Of Umber And Orange


Brilliant In Hue


Satiny White

Drift On High

Islands Upon An Ocean Of Blue

From Horizon To Horizon

Silently They Float

Until Day Is Done

Gently Rests The Sun

Setting The Stage

With Pastels Soft

Yet Vibrant


Autumn fades

Clouds Of Grey Soon Appear

Obscuring Skies

Once Azure Blue

And Upon A Starless Night

The Moon

Shrouded In An Opalescent Halo

With All Still And Quiet

Each & Everyone Nestled Safely In Their Beds

It Will Come

Drifting Silently

From The Heavens Above

And Soon

Come The Morn

All Shall Awaken

To A World

Where Sights Once Familiar

Now Clad In White Crystalline

Every Breath Taken

Sharp And Crisp

Scents, Smoky Sweet

From Chimneys

Grey Tendrils Replete


 This Magical Season

Soon Turns Our Thoughts To

Family & Friends

Of Cozy Evenings

Spent Gathered Round

Crackling Fires Aglow

Smiles & Laughter

Of Heartwarming Tales

Memories Sweet

From Years Past

Then Once Again

Autumn's Warmth Returns

With The Glow Of Friendships True

So To All

A Wish For A Happy Holiday Season


A Joyous New Year

From Our Family

To You & Yours!

Say Hi!



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